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The Journey to AtomOne Launch: The Future of Decentralized Blockchain Governance

The AtomOne chain is live!
The Journey to AtomOne Launch: The Future of Decentralized Blockchain Governance

AtomOne emerged in response to concerns raised by the community over Proposal 82 and furthered by Proposal 848 on the Cosmos Hub, which highlighted issues surrounding centralization, security and governance inefficiencies within the network. In response, AtomOne was conceived as a minimal fork of Gaia (Cosmos Hub) to address the challenges currently faced by the Cosmos Hub surrounding security, funds management, transparency, tokenomics and validator rewards, while also establishing a more inclusive and adaptable blockchain governance model.

Mission and Vision

AtomOne’s mission is to establish a decentralized, minimalistic blockchain that functions as an Inter-Blockchain Communication (“IBC”) and Interchain Security (“ICS”) enabled Hub. AtomOne aims to prioritize security, adaptability, and inclusivity within the Cosmos ecosystem. It seeks to refine decentralized governance processes and foster self-organization, enabling diverse groups to coexist and thrive. AtomOne envisions serving as a neutral base that supports specialized hubs, promoting innovation and reducing risks by enabling groups to create and govern themselves through its living constitutions.

In the long term, AtomOne operates as a low-risk, highly reliable hub that complements and strengthens the Cosmos ecosystem. With a security-conscious constitution and minimal IBC/ICS Hub, it offers a base for decentralized communities to form and self organize.

Community Engagement and Governance

The GovGen blockchain was successfully launched with the support of 50 validators, marking a significant milestone in the AtomOne initiative. GovGen is a governance-only blockchain separate from the AtomOne hub blockchain. GovGen’s purpose was to gauge sentiment over what AtomOne should be from “NO” and “NO_WITH_VETO” voters on Cosmos Hub proposal 848.

Following GovGen Genesis, several Town Hall meetings, as well as separate working groups were held to engage the community in shaping AtomOne’s Constitution and other defining features. These discussions allowed validators and community members to contribute to defining the key principles and governance structure that will guide AtomOne.

The GovGen chain was instrumental in making sure that through key proposals, such as the AtomOne proposed Constitution, Tokenomics, Roadmap, Software choice, ATONE Distribution or AtomOne logo, the community was able to successfully assess and measure sentiment in regards to what AtomOne should be. The current draft of the Constitution outlines decision-making processes, representation, and community responsibilities, ensuring that governance reflects the collective vision of AtomOne’s participants.

AtomOne operates under a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) structure where stakeholders—including validators and token holders—participate in decision-making through token-weighted voting. Key proposals, such as network upgrades and ecosystem development initiatives, are decided through this system, ensuring the network evolves based on the collective will of the community. The living constitution as well as the other proposed designs provide a flexible framework for governance, adapting as the community grows.

AtomOne has made improvements to the validator voting power concentrations by removing delegation associated voting power from the validators This new approach gives more sway to those who vote individually with their own stake, helping to ensure fairness and prevent centralization. This approach aims to limit the influence of any single validator or small group of validators, ensuring that no entity can dominate governance decisions. It emphasizes a more equitable distribution of voting power across the validator set, encouraging broader participation and promoting decentralization. Voting power is tied to staking and governance activity, with mechanisms put in place to dissolve disproportionate concentrations of power over time.

The DAO structure defined in the AtomOne Constitution emphasizes community governance by ensuring that all decisions—including funds management and resource allocation — are made collectively rather than being controlled by a centralized entity. This decentralized control is further reinforced by the Constitution’s principles of representation and accountability, where each member’s voice is valued according to their stake in the network. By distributing power across a diverse range of participants, the DAO structure enhances the resilience of AtomOne and aligns with its mission of fostering a truly decentralized ecosystem.

To review and share sentiment on key proposals for AtomOne, including the AtomOne Roadmap, Tokenomics, and the AtomOne Constitution, the GovGen community members engaged through the GovGen dApp. The app provided a transparent and decentralized platform for voting and governance interactions. Notably, for certain proposals like the Software or the Distribution proposals, sentiment was measured up until the launch of the AtomOne chain, as these are not subject to change. However, the proposals will remain live for voting for up to a year, allowing ample time for community input and engagement on those that might still evolve. The current on-chain proposals are as follows:

  1. Roadmap Proposal
  2. Tokenomics Proposal
  3. Distribution Proposal
  4. Software Proposal
  5. Constitution Proposal

Constitution Updates

The development of AtomOne’s Constitution has been a central focus of the project, driven by continuous community input and validator engagement. The current draft includes a comprehensive governance framework, addressing key issues such as: decentralized decision-making by outlining processes that give every stakeholder a voice in AtomOne’s evolution. This provides the opportunity for sufficient representation by ensuring that diverse political groups, validators, and stakers have a platform through which their values and priorities are represented. This framework ensures that the community is responsible and accountable, establishing guidelines for participation and conduct within the network.

As previously mentioned, several town halls were held to gather both input and feedback on the draft. Ongoing discussions have led to further refinements and progress is continuously updated, all of which can be reviewed here. The Constitution is a “living document,” designed to evolve with the needs of the community and the network. Stay tuned as the community moves closer to ratifying the final version, and be sure to vote on the proposal.

Progress on Tokenomics

The proposed tokenomics for AtomOne focuses on creating a fair and balanced distribution model to support long-term sustainability and decentralization. The initial proposed supply of 107,775,332 ATONE tokens is split into various allocations: (1) 96,997,800 ATONE distributed via airdrop to ATOM token holders, (2) 5,388,766 ATONE distributed to the Community Pool and (3) 5,388,766 ATONE distributed to a reserved address for the future funding of the AtomOne Treasury DAO. The staking reward allocation is intended to incentivize active participation in governance and network security, the community pool is aimed at funding future ecosystem projects and initiatives, while the reserved fund is intended for future development. The airdrops will help engage early adopters, and the grants and bounties program will support key contributors. This balanced structure aims to ensure that the AtomOne ecosystem grows sustainably while remaining community-driven and decentralized. You can learn more about the on-chain tokenomics proposals and vote on updates via the GovGen dApp.

AtomOne is proud to have several supporters and integrators onboard to support the network’s growth, including Cosmostation, which is integrating support for the AtomOne chain and the ATONE token, both on the Cosmostation wallet and the Mintscan block explorer.

AtomOne remains open and supports collaborations that align with the vision of fostering a decentralized ecosystem.

The launch of the AtomOne chain

After months of extensive development and valuable community input, the proposed code freeze and initial genesis for the AtomOne chain were released on September 27th, marking the v.1.0.0 release ( community has played a key role in reaching this point, and the next steps were entrusted to the validator community to self-organize and potentially launch the AtomOne chain.

On October 18th, a group of community validators came together, submitted their genTXs, created a new genesis, and successfully launched the AtomOne chain. This was a fully decentralized, community-driven event, with no single entity controlling or deciding the genesis time or participants—those decisions were made collectively by the self organizing community genesis validators.

You can view the chain’s activity and stats directly on the Mintscan explorer.

As a permissionless, community-driven chain, anyone is welcome to join and become an AtomOne validator. If you’re a validator and interested in shaping the future of the network, you can find the instructions on how to join the AtomOne chain here.

According to the AtomOne genesis, the distribution of the ATONE tokens (AtomOne chain native tokens) was carried out according to the GovGen community- distribution proposal, which proposed the supply distribution for the AtomOne chain. A community-driven AtomOne Distribution proposal, voted by the GovGen community with a 40.56% turnout and 948 votes until the launch of this blog, was successfully on chain for voting for 31 days, since Sept 20th. According to this proposal, AtomOne genesis distributed a number of 96,997,800 ATONE tokens to 1,128,299 Cosmos Hub (ATOM) addresses.

If you are an ATOM holder, and had an ATOM balance by the time of the Cosmos Hub proposal #848, when the snapshot was taken, you can check your airdrop allocation directly in your wallet account or in the airdrop calculator.

What’s Next?

As AtomOne continues to evolve, the community is encouraged to take an active role in shaping its future. The AtomOne community is urged to remain active, by submitting and discussing new proposals, on the forum and voting for existing on-chain proposals.

You can follow AtomOne progress directly on the AtomOne repo, joining AtomOne Discord or by getting familiar with the AtomOne proposed roadmap to learn more about the upcoming proposed functionalities and developments of the AtomOne chain.

AtomOne token holders can now stake their ATONE tokens using different options:

Contributors can apply for grants and bounties through the AiB Grants and Bounties Program, which offers support for those contributing to the development of the AtomOne chain or directly submit a spending proposal to the AtomOne community using the Community Pool.

We look forward to further engaging the AtomOne community and igniting innovation in the months to come.

Follow/join to keep up with AtomOne developments and announcements.

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